Promotions and praises for Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's Bhaag Milkha Bhaag have made the film popular already even without its release. Shah Rukh Khan praised the film and said that it was a 'lovely experience'. He also said that his friend Farhan Akhtar's performance as the flying Sikh is inspiring. A twitter post by SRK read, "The only race you can't win is the race against your past. What a lovely experience is Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. Thanks Rakyesh and you inspire me, my Flying Farhan." Shah Rukh had worked with Farhan Akthar in Don 2.
This movie is based on the life of athlete Mikha Singh and is set to release on July 12. Bhaag Milkha Bhaag also stars Sonam Kapoor, who is still riding high on the success of her last release Raanjhanaa. Sonam Kapoor, who says she has a 'cameo' in the movie, is confident it will go down in history. "I did the film only for Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra. It's a special appearance, but I hate the word special appearance. It's a cameo. I did this film because I knew for sure this film will go down in history," said Sonam. The actress picks her films carefully and dedicates her time to them. "I'm choosy about my films. I do one film in one to one-and-a-half years. My films take too long- like Mausam and Sawaariya," she added.
mikha singh, farhan akthar, bhaag milkha bhaag, shah rukh khan, rakeysh omprakash mehra, sonam kapoor
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